Video marketing is considered as the most captivating means of content and it has the power to weave magic in the memories of the viewers in just a few seconds. The degree of its impact is much more than blogs and plain text.

Digital Marketing is all about dishing out the right content to the right audience at the right place. Equally important is the fact that the content should be in the right format too. Content in the static form has very less takers today as everyone has a short attention span and wants content that is crisp and dynamic.

Today everyone is integrating a blog on their website, but there needs to be a form of content that differentiates you from your competitors. Viewers need content that is interactive and engaging, and what better than video marketing?

Here are some of the most interesting vital stats about video marketing across the globe:

  • 50% of web surfers look for videos related to a product or service before buying it or visiting a store

  • If you use the word ‘Video’ in email heading the open rates increase by 19%

  • Online video accounts for almost 74% of all online traffics

  • 48% of the marketers plan to add YouTube as a part of their content strategy by next year.

  • About 500 million people watch videos on Facebook everyday

Video marketing is by far one of the best ways to improve engagement but a majority of marketers fail to realise its full potential. A digital marketer must consider video marketing tips to effectively create and place the videos so that it is able to maximise the impact and obtain a better return on investment.

(1) Choose a topic and focus on it

One of the biggest reason why videos are left midway is because it strays away from the core idea and the viewer’s loose interest. The idea is to create which are to the point and sticks to the primary idea to be conveyed.

If the topic is too vast and it is difficult to cull out a single point of focus, then it is best to make multiple videos covering each topic in brief, which is for a maximum of 2 minutes. This helps the viewers to understand each idea in details and captivating enough to lock their attention.

Once their attention is caught, it becomes easier to entice them to browse the rest of the content and improve engagement.

(2) The video should be optimised for viewership across platforms

Optimizing videos is one of the leading video marketing tips. Nowadays the viewership of videos is not just restricted to laptop or desktop. Mobile screens and tablets have become the preferred platforms of viewership where users can enjoy the videos on the go. Hence, it is important that the video is compatible across platforms and can be viewed without the dimensions being changed.

Experts opine that changing the videos from landscape to square view can double the engagement of the videos. Compatibility across platforms increases the viewership base as more users can watch the videos without compromising with the quality.


(3) Vlogs as a supplement to blogs

Text based static content provides complete information to the users but it may not be engaging enough. Summarising the content into a 2 minute video which is condensed and crisp conveys the point. These are called Vlogs or Video blogs. That’s why using vlogs can be one of the most useful video marketing tips.

Optimizing blogs with video as the primary content also increases the share ability of the same. Once these videos are shared across Facebook, You Tube, Instagram, it reaches maximum people and it increases traffic to the original blog.

(4) Live videos

Viewers always want to be updated about the latest things and are always on the lookout for content that is fresh and current. Live videos have always lured viewers and it is indeed a very effective idea of increasing engagement and traffic on the website.

These live videos can be streamed across social media platforms like Facebook, You Tube, Snapchat, etc. Viewers are attracted towards content that is not previously viewed, real-time and trending at the same time. Live videos about an educational session, chat show, award ceremony, investor conference etc, can be strategically implemented to outdo competitors and attract more eyeballs.

(5) Focus on SEO-oriented videos

We cannot survive this level of cut throat competition if our content is not Search Engine optimised. Implementing SEO strategies can go a long way in boosting video engagement.

  • A short and crisp video title attracts attention.

  • Include relevant keywords in the video title and tags to increase the possibility of being easily found on the search engine.

  • Include a playlist of the videos which also has on list other videos already present on the blog. This increases the engagement time the user spends on the website or blog.

(6) Customization is the key

Customising the video content to suit the preference of the users can boost engagement of the videos by 35% to 40%. If the videos are personalised and made to suit the target audience, they will watch the video till the end and even look for similar videos on the website.

This increases the time spent on the website and the engagement rate.  The cache on the website can be utilised to keep a tab on the browsing history of the viewers and they can be sent links with similar videos as and when they are uploaded. Not just this, they can also be given recommendations as to which other videos can suit their preferences and tastes.

(7) A video sharing strategy must be given importance

To achieve engagement from maximum viewers, it is essential to share the video across various social media platforms. However, the time and pattern of sharing the video directly impacts the engagement quotient of the videos.

The rate of viewership and engagement varies across platforms. It has been observed that sharing the videos on Facebook directly achieves better rate of engagement and viewership than indirectly sharing it on You Tube on Snapchat.

Not just this, the time of posting the videos also plays an important role in boosting the engagement rate. You need to check the activity levels of your target audience across social media platforms and post the relevant content in accordance with that.


According to a prediction by Cisco, the global Internet traffic from videos will comprise of 80% of all Internet traffic by 2019. By following the above techniques, your videos will get maximum engagement and viewership. These will also ensure retention rates of the viewers and encourage them to revisit the website.

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